References for Space to Create: A Writer's view on the Housing Crisis

Recent statistics show that the proportion of young adults living with their parents in the UK is larger than ever:

50% within a generation:,_warn_kpmg_and_shelter

There are currently more than 300,000 homeless people in Britain:

Sofa surfing:

a ‘surge’ in overcrowded in homes:

average house prices in the UK more than trebled:

I have heard horror stories of tenants:

Cycle Lifestyle

the London Cycle Map Campaign:

the Journal of Modern Wisdom

my first book: see Einstein and the Art of Mindful Cycling

Londoners drink too much:


‘there is no racist like an anti-racist’:


Matt Ridley: see The Rational Optimist

Roger Scruton: see The Uses of Pessimism

James Bartholomew: see The Welfare State We’re In

James Delingpole: see How to be Right

Theodore Dalrymple: see Life at the Bottom and Our Culture, What’s Left of it

Steven Pinker: see The Better Angels of Our Nature and The Blank Slate

lifting a billion people out of extreme poverty:

government spending in the UK has risen relentlessly in real terms: see also:

an era of pandemic social problems: see Theodore Dalrymple’s Life at the Bottom

Consider the facts about net migration to the UK:

the UK welcomed roughly half a million new immigrants each year during that two-decade period:

In 2009 the London School of Economics estimated that there are 725,000 illegal immigrants in Britain: (also: an organisation called Migration Watch has suggested in 2010 that the UK figure is as high as 1.1 million:

Tony Blair’s government wanted to attract more immigrants to the UK:

In 1991, there were 950,000 Muslims in Britain:

today there are an estimated 4.13 million:

in 2017, 85% of British Muslims voted Labour: (also: in the 2015 general election, 75% of British Muslims voted Labour)

‘free movement’:

eight former communist countries:

the total number of EU citizens is approximately 500 million:

approximately a quarter of the people who immigrated to the UK came from EU countries:

mass immigration has cost the UK over a hundred billion pounds: (image taken from this BBC article):

the NHS is in ‘crisis’:

continual increases in government health spending:

745,000 new migrant GP registrations:

AIDS, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis:

almost a third of all births in the UK were to foreign-born women:

two thirds of secondary schools have reported an increase in class sizes:

a threefold increase in the number of schoolchildren taught in classes of 36 or more:

primary school class sizes have been increasing throughout Britain: In EnglandScotlandWales

40% of secondary schools in England are full or overcrowded:

a huge increase in government spending on education in the last few decades:

at least 1.1 million schoolchildren speak English as a second language:

there are 240 schools where over 90% of pupils do so:

five primary schools where the number of pupils who speak English as a first language is zero

one in nine schools:

in 2015/16, the government allocated £267 million to schools to support non-English speaking pupils:

From 2001 to 2016, immigration added at least 5.4 million people to Britain’s population:

Every year for the past twenty years:

Many pundits talked plaintively about a ‘Brexodus’:

It was an increase in net migration – yet another increase, including an increase in net migration from the EU:

the catchment area of a sought-after state school:

some immigrant communities have been overrepresented in certain types of crime: For instance, ‘African Caribbeans’ are overrepresented as suspects in acid attacks in London (, ‘Black males’ are overrepresented in convictions for ‘street crime’ in London (, and Muslims are overrepresented in ‘grooming gangs’ ( and Female Genital Mutilation (

65% of Labour supporters were Remainers, compared to 39% of Tories:

Leavers tended to display higher levels of conscientiousness than Remainers:


See Mindfulness and the Big Questions: Philosophy for Now

There is evidence to suggest that marriage makes people happier and healthier: See Richard Layard (2005), Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (London: Penguin), pp. 65-66.

Compared to most universities, Durham hasn’t succumbed quite so abjectly to the strictures of political correctness: (see also James Delingpole on Durham University:


house prices have resumed their precipitous rise:

while outpacing earnings:

the average UK home now costs in excess of £230,000:

The cost of renting has soared too – to the highest level in Europe:

the average rent now at £750 per household per month, almost twice the European average of £400:

The average Briton spends over 40% of his regular income on housing, a figure which is the third highest in Europe:

One in seven private tenants pays over half his regular income on rent:

The average first time buyer pays a colossal £52,900 in rent before owning a home:

Young people today are paying three times more for housing than their grandparents did:

Young people today are paying three times more for housing than their grandparents did:

over four and a half million people receiving housing benefits:

(including around a million people in work):

At an annual cost of  £24 billion:

over a million families are currently on housing waiting lists in England alone:

One report found that 24% per cent of private renters in England had moved home in the past 12 months, and 29% had moved three or more times in the past five years:


petrol stations:

libraries, community centres:

playing fields:

high street shops:

The UK’s newly built homes are among the smallest and oldest in Europe: (see also:

One survey found that 50 per cent of respondents wanted to live in a detached house: quoted in Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 9

one of the top ten most congested countries in the world:

the rate of housebuilding has declined steadily since the early 1970s: See page 18 of

slum clearance:

large ugly tower blocks were increasingly favoured precisely because the government was failing to build enough homes:

Five-year planning blocks: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 15

large increase in planning regulations: See Mark Pennington (2000), Planning and the Political Market: Public Choice and the Politics of Government Failure (London: The Atholone Press), p. 90

green belts:

the UK’s long term trend for urban population growth:

brownfield sites: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 10 and page 15

One authoritative study found that the proportion of urban land in the UK is around 8 per cent: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 26

Cities with plenty of gardens can be more biodiverse than farmland, with its agricultural uniformity: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 29

net importer of food:

national building regulations:

numerous updates have sought to make buildings more environmentally friendly:

Further updates have emanated from the EU: see and

100 regulations that, he insisted, were needlessly limiting the activities of housebuilders:

burnt to the ground with at least 71 people inside it:

‘Britain Needs More Slums’:

death threats:

the tale of Gerald Ringe:–one-mans-14-year-battle-with-the-planning-laws/3091534.article (See here for another example of obstructive building regulations:

land values in Britain remained more or less constant, but they started to climb after the Town and Country Planning Act was passed: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 17

the price of land with planning permission increased compared to the price of land without such permission: see Unaffordable Housing: Fables and Myths page 17

agricultural land in England today is worth on average £21,000 per hectare:

The UK has the highest property taxes (measured as a proportion of the government’s total tax takings) in the developed world:

The decline started in the early 1970s, continued up to the present:

Public spending rose continually, trebling in real terms:

Welfare spending rose too:×361.png see also:

7% of the world’s total welfare spend:

over the last few decades, government borrowing has mushroomed:×446.png

One Afghan family was found living in a £1.2 million mansion:

Since 2007, local authorities have handed out a ‘Local Housing Allowance’ to claimants: See A Broom Cupboard of One’s Own: The Housing Crisis and How to Solve It by Boosting Home Ownership by Ross Clark (Kindle version), loc 172

in order to build a 3 bedroom home, housing associations spend an average of £150,000, compared to private builders who spend just £90,000: cited in

26,000 homes per year, despite being awarded £62 billion in government funding:

many of the Chief Executives of these housing associations are being rewarded with enormous salaries:

private developers have built way more homes than the government and housing associations combined:

planning permission to build more than 600,000 homes:

a 30% rise since the year 2000 in the proportion of people who own a second home:

foreign investment has added a whopping 20% to UK house prices over the past 15 years:

in 1996 the Association of Residential Lettings joined up with a group of lenders to launch ‘buy-to-let mortgages’:

the number of private landlords rocketed from tens of thousands to a record 2.5 million at the time of writing:

Between them, these landlords own around 5 million rental properties: /

One government report has estimated that the growth of buy-to-let mortgages may have added ‘up to 7%’ to house prices:

more people in Britain have a ‘favourable’ view of socialism than of capitalism (36% versus 32%):

more people have an ‘unfavourable’ view of capitalism than of socialism (39% versus 32%):

40% of the overall vote:

Younger voters in the election were more likely to vote Labour:

‘a great economist’:

In a recent BBC interview, when asked “is there anything that capitalism gets right?”:

“the overthrow of capitalism”:

“Marxism is about the freedom of spirit, the development of life chances”, and is “a force for change today”:  See also: McDonnell on Marx:

“I want to be in a situation where no Tory MP can travel anywhere in the country or show their face anywhere in public without being challenged, without direct action”:

‘Secure Homes for All’:

Among economists, the consensus is that rent controls discourage private investment in new housing, and therefore restrict supply, thus hurting the poor the most: Rent controls See also: And:

“rent controls exist in many cities across the world and I want our cities to have those powers too”:

as Anthony Breach explains:

out of 218 Labour MPs, only 11 planned to vote Leave

one report estimating that fewer than 12% of academics today are conservatives:

socialism-indoctrinated students:

Capitalism has lowered the costs, and increased the quality, of almost everything we buy today: See also The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley, especially Chapter 1.

older voters were more likely to vote Leave:

Britain’s older voters will be dead soon, so we shouldn’t care what they think: (for example)

By 1987, more than a million people had taken advantage of the scheme and were now homeowners:

Public spending rose in real terms under her administration:

an acceleration of the post-war trend towards Soviet-style management in the public sector:

George Osborne, the Chancellor who rolled out the scheme, acknowledged that it might serve to inflate houses prices:

which it did:

while also boosting the profits of private builders:

called for tax rises:

“purposeful and active state”:

criticised the Tories’ benefit reforms, described zero-hours contracts as “evil”:

lavishly praised unions:

“highly political”, because “he told the rich… they would face woes”:

Pope Francis has been even more florid in his left-wing rhetoric:

Here is Hilton reminiscing about his time in power:

Average house prices in the capital have reached a bewildering £500,000 in the last few years:

the average wage in London around £30,000 per year:

for the last three years, London has been the most expensive city in Europe to rent in:

Like most places in the country, the capital has suffered from a lack of housing supply:

In 1991, the population of the capital was just 6.4 million. By 2016, that figure had grown to 8.8 million. And by 2021, it is expected to have risen to 9.3 million:

at least 37% of the people living in London are foreign-born:

That’s around 3.32 million in total, of whom around a third are EU citizens:

two out of every three babies born in the capital had at least one foreign-born parent:

graduates, almost a quarter of whom have been moving to the capital within six months of graduating:

as do immigrants:

Muslims, of whom there are around a million today in the capital:

In the 2017 General Election, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party won 49 of the capital’s 73 constituencies:

In the EU referendum, almost 60% of Londoners voted Remain:

Sadiq Kahn was the first ever Muslim to be elected Mayor of London, gaining almost 57% of the vote:,_2016

From 2000 to 2013, 620,000 people who identified as ‘white British’ quit the capital:

London’s houses are twice as overcrowded as those of the rest of England:

In 2015, 26 people were found living in one 3-bedroom home in East London:

over 300 languages spoken in London: see also:

Gang violence including knife crime: see also:

acid attacks:



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