References for Racist Socialism: A Warning from History.

Chapter 1. Various perks.

a bizarre article:

no more likely than any other race:

‘trained Marxists’:

A $4 million mansion 

‘White privilege is the multiple social advantages…’


Chapter 2. This might sound politically incorrect. 

The statistical evidence:,6%25%20of%20all%20female%20prosecutions. (figure 1.01)

‘stop and search’ police enquiries, and arrests and prosecutions: : (figure 1.01)

the reoffending rates for black and white prisoners are almost identical: (section 7.4)

black people are also more likely to be victims of crime than white people:

the Mayor’s office:

children who are raised by single mothers:

50 per cent of black children in Britain are raised without a father in the home:

the group struggling the most:

A recent Parliamentary report: (table 13)

there are differences among the races:


Chapter 3. Ah, but… slavery and colonialism.

Over a million white Europeans: Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800, by Robert C. Davis (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), p. 23.

Thomas Sowell has pointed out:

There were slaves in China too:

the president of Benin apologized:

only 6 per cent ended up in North America:

only 1.4 per cent of white Americans did:

28 per cent of free blacks owned slaves:

classed as ‘indentured servants’:,one%20to%20care%20for%20it.

between 27 and 200 million slaves worldwide: 

Captain James Cook set sail in 1768:

As one African explained: African Nationalism, by Ndabanimgi Sitole (London, Oxford University Press, 1968), p. 72

in 1835, 34 Māori chiefs: The Treaty of Waitangi, by Claudia Orange (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 1987), pp. 27-8

540 Maori chiefs: The Treaty of Waitangi, by Claudia Orange (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 1987)

Under the reign of Isma’il Pasha: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 48

proclamation issued by Queen Victoria:,_to_the_princes,_chiefs,_and_people_of_India#:~:text=And%20it%20is%20our%20further,and%20integrity%2C%20duly%20to%20discharge.

‘no hatred of brown skin’:

blacks were granted the vote: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 160

all Māori adult males: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 160

Deaths by famine have drastically declined:

The most notorious colonial massacre: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 282

the ‘concentration camps’ that the British established in South Africa: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 319

Apartheid, you may be surprised to hear:,socialism%20with%20a%20racist%20face.

In Kenya in the 1950s: Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, by Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), pp. 324-33

Socialists were the only ones who advocated and implemented deliberate mass killing: The Lost Literature of Socialism, by George Watson (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2010)

Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew:

Tommy Koh, Singapore’s former ambassador:

the words of Manmohan Singh:

the writer Kartar Lalvani: The Making of India: The Making of India: The Untold Story of British Enterprise, by Kartar Lalvani (London: Bloomsbury, 2016), p. 42

‘The British governed their colony of Nigeria with considerable care’: There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra, by Chinua Achebe (New York: Penguin, 2012), pp. 43-4

‘One had a great deal of confidence and faith in the British system’: There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra, by Chinua Achebe (New York: Penguin, 2012), p. 36

‘The British had a tremendous sense of mission’: quoted in Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, by Nigel Biggar (HarperCollins Publishers, Kindle Edition), p. 247

‘He must be blind who see not what the English have wrought in Egypt’: Orientations, by Ronald Storrs (London: Nicholson & Watson, 1939), p. 89

‘I spent a great deal of my spare time walking the streets of the colony’:


Chapter 4: What Martin Luther King rightly demanded.

King was an anti-communist:

When a white American girl wears a traditional Chinese dress:

In June 2020 when BLM supporters protested in numerous British cities:

trailing a banner saying ‘White Lives Matter’:

you’re not even allowed to say ‘All Lives Matter’:


5. The Nazis’ racist politics

state and race are one:

‘The good of the community takes priority over that of the individual’:

‘Socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan’:

‘Aryanism means ethical perception of work’:

‘The German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning’:

 ‘duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the state’:

‘the state should retain control’:

The founding manifesto of Nazism promised:

‘Marxism is not Socialism’:,Socialism%20away%20from%20the%20Socialists.%22

‘National Socialism derives from each of the two camps’:

Hitler’s speeches were littered with epithets for capitalism: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019)

The Nazis’ founding manifesto:

‘How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist?’:

‘this capitalistic people’:

‘Jewish-capitalist hyenas’: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019), p. 480

In the propaganda film ‘The Eternal Jew’:

‘the intention of Jewish big capital to destroy Russia completely’: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019), p.41

‘Bolshevism is really just the general form of capitalism’: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019), p.437

In a passage in Mein Kampf: Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler (Kindle Edition), p.543

Supposedly, Jews were hell bent on hijacking the German economy: Jewish Domination of Wiemer Germany, by Eckhart Verlag (Kindle Edition)


6. An even more shocking fact about the Nazis. 

a ‘necessary connectedness and interrelationship’:

Wilhelm Riehl furthered the ideas of Arndt: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.60

In the second half of the nineteenth century, Friedrich Ratzel…: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.67

Another important late-nineteenth century figure in German environmentalism was Ernst Haeckel: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.96

Heidegger argued that human beings had gradually become alienated from their own existence: Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger (Oxford: Blackwell, 1962)

In 1919, the German environmental movement numbered a few hundred thousand adherents; by 1931, the figure had risen to a few million: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.131

A Dutch report into international conservation: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.131

around 63 per cent of German nature protection leaders had joined the Nazi Party: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.130

Ernst Lehmann, a Professor of Botany, summed up Nazism’s environmentalist streak:

they governed as environmentalists: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018)

by 1940, there were more than 800 in Germany: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.137

Leni Riefenstahl’s infamous 1935 propaganda film Triumph of the Will:

‘We plant trees’: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.63

permission for logging over the ‘sustainable’ limit: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.64

ten new trees were planted for every tree that was cut down: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.155

Even in Soviet Russia, 22 per cent of the Bolshevik Party membership were aristocrats:

‘The nobility were the most Nazi friendly demographic cohort’: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.15

The Nazis publicly denounced conservatism: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019), p.199

a ‘systematic campaign’ against them: Hitler: Only the World Was Enough, by Brendan Simms (Kindle Edition 2019), p.199

At Dachau, there were organic herb gardens: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.70

At Auschwitz there was a plantation for breeding rare flora: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.70

At Treblinka, wild foxes were bred: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich, by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018), p.70

Darre held two government posts:

organic farming and ecologically based land use: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018) p.53

his own biographer calls him the ‘father of the Greens’:

He called Jews ‘weeds’:

Consider also Himmler: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018) p.72

‘The peasant of our racial stock…’:

Göring is famous for commanding the German Air Force: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018) pp.58-64

consider the psychopath who spearheaded the National Socialist project: The Green Swatstika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich by William Kay (Kindle Edition 2018) pp.72-80

he created a government department for Wind Energy:


7. A trio of horrible principles.

A peasant society does not tolerate the existence of non-peasants’:

In a 1974 speech:

In a 1973 speech:

He was an ‘ethno-socialist’:

the Rwandan economy was comprised of ‘communes’:

In 1994, the World Bank condemned Rwanda’s restrictions on movement:

the policy was a ‘reaction against the monetarisation of the Rwandan economy under colonialism’:

‘Rural and integrated handicraft education…’:

The scholar Gérard Prunier has summed up:

The two main radio stations pumped out atrocity propaganda:


‘In order to attack the development problems…’:

‘Encircle the enemy so that he does not take possession of the commune.’:           

three quarters of the country’s Tutsi population: 



8. A racist communist rampage.

In a racist communist rampage between 1975 and 1979:

‘petty-bourgeois radicals who had been overcome by peasantist romanticism’: 

Around 80 per cent of the Cambodian population lived in the countryside: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.5

Anyone who didn’t work in the rural economy: The Pol Pot regime: race, power, and genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79, by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.62

Schools, monasteries, libraries, factories, marketplaces, even hospitals, were closed: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge 1975-79, by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.8

The inhabitants of the cities were marched at gunpoint into the countryside: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.44

‘Better to kill an innocent by mistake than spare an enemy by mistake’:

One eyewitness recounted: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.233

broadcasting relentless atrocity propaganda: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.393

It was an ‘explosive combination…’: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.17

‘Khmer bodies with Vietnamese minds’: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books) p.3

‘Democratic Kampuchea was a prison camp’: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 by Ben Kiernan (Silkworm Books), p.9


9. Barbarians of varying degrees. 

‘without using the greatest force…’:

Mao launched his ‘cultural revolution’:'old,of%20the%20Wanli%20Emperor%20(%20r.

Around 1.5 million people were murdered:

‘By 1979 most of the estimated 600,000 monks…’:,Tibetan%20exiles%20with%20the%20progress

Mao oversaw a policy of mass migration by Han Chinese into Tibet and Xinjiang:

‘blood-lineage theories surfaced’: The Discourse of Race in Modern China, by Frank Dikötter (C.Hurst & Co 1992), p.192

‘the best people were “born red”’: The Discourse of Race in Modern China, by Frank Dikötter (C.Hurst & Co 1992), p.192

‘we blacks stick together’: The Discourse of Race in Modern China, by Frank Dikötter (C.Hurst & Co 1992), p.193

‘A black man sitting on a throne’: The Discourse of Race in Modern China by Frank Dikötter (C.Hurst & Co 1992), p.194

‘The racial question is in essence a class question’:

The first major migration of black people into China:

Research published last year by Human Rights Watch:

When the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited China:

The African-American scholar M. Dujon Johnson:

The Tibetans are being subjected to mass surveillance and restrictions:

The same story is unfolding in occupied Xinjiang:

state-sponsored mass migration into the region has continued:

Han Chinese comprised 3-4 per cent of the population in Xinjiang:

‘The Chinese have made the Uighurs like pandas, a species on the edge of extinction’:

A recent Pentagon report explains:

the CCP’s efforts to buy influence: The Truth about the Wuhan Lockdown: And How the World Became Wuhan, by Ben Irvine (OldSpeak Publishing)


10. Racial trash.

‘The Hungarian Struggle’:

in a private letter, he elaborated on the communist basis of his racism:,is%20based%20on%20economic%20development.

‘Lessons of the Commune’:

‘Organisation of the peasant farms into cooperatives…’:

Lenin declared publicly that he would ‘sooner lie down and die’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.87

‘Essential... to confiscate all the grain and property of the rebellious kulaks’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p. 21

‘the devastation of the villages’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.88

a famine that killed an estimated 5 million people:,contributing%20factors%20to%20famine%20casualties.

mowed down by machine guns: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.88

The Cossacks were accused of being ‘bought off’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.100

mass terror against wealthy Cossacks:,directly%20or%20indirectly%2C%20in%20the

‘In 1920 Cossack territories underwent a top-to-bottom confiscation of property’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.101

‘what ore is to a metalworker’: Quoted in The Lost Literature of Socialism, by George Watson (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2010), p. 87

‘Detachments of the [secret police] burst into the temples and monasteries’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.158

‘In the eyes of the Church, action of this kind is an act of sacrilege’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.159

‘forge ahead with a decisive struggle’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.92

Stalin executed around a million of his fellow countrymen:

Stalin set up the infamous ‘gulag’:

‘socially dangerous children’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.42

‘We will exile the kulak by the thousand when necessary’:

‘The mills of terror seized not only on social classes and groups…’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.183

fifteen thousand Polish and German households: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.183

35,820 more Poles were rounded up and exiled: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.183

There were raids on areas in Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkey: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.184

In 1937 came the exiling of Koreans: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.184

‘They brought them in trucks’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.184

Within a few months, around 40,000 of the exiled Koreans had died:,them%20to%20places%20of%20residence.

The same year also saw a surge of repressions against Polish people:

The next ethnic group to be steamrolled was the Chinese:

Stalin’s ethnic purges continued during World War Two:,resettled%20by%20Germany%20in%20Poland%20.

‘Bewildered lambs wandered in the streets’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.185

When the Soviet army ‘liberated’ Eastern Europe from the Nazis:,settlements%20to%201%2C035%2C701%20by%201949.

a Mongolian-speaking people known as the Kalmyks were evicted: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.186

the communists set about deporting an ethnic group called the Crimean Tatars: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.186

1944 also saw the mass deportation of Chechen and Ingush Muslims: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.189

478,479 persons, including 91,250 Ingush, have been exiled: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.190

the communists attempted to extinguish the region’s cultural heritage: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.193

Russian women who were married to Chechen or Ingush men: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, by Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.189

The mountainous Galangozhsk region: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.192

Stalin ordered the deportation of over 115,000 Meskhetian Turks:,and%20herded%20onto%20rail%20cars.

Between 1944 and 1949, he targeted the South Caucuses:

around 20,000 Estonians suffered the same fate:,in%20a%20matter%20of%20days

130,000 Lithuanians:

60,000 Latvians:

12,075 Bulgarians:,Central%20Asia%20against%20their%20will.

14,300 Greeks:,Central%20Asia%20against%20their%20will.

37,713 Balkars:

70,000 Karachays:

45,000 Finns:  

46,000 Moldovans:,Latvia%2C%20and%2033%2C000%20from%20Estonia 

61,000 Belarusians:,Latvia%2C%20and%2033%2C000%20from%20Estonia.

571,000 Ukrainians:,Latvia%2C%20and%2033%2C000%20from%20Estonia.

‘They were packed off into the terrible cold’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.35

‘the ethnification of Stalinism’:

Stalin’s ‘Russo-centric statism’:

‘compete with Marxism on its own ground’: 

‘one who is ready to defend the USSR’:,promoted%20without%20defending%20the%20USSR%22.

In 1941, Germany reneged on the pact and invaded the Soviet Union:

an ‘attempt to divert the hatred of the workers’:

In 1918, the regime set up the Yevsektsiya:

calling for the USSR to be ‘cleansed’ of Jews: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.200

Between 1939 and 1941, the communists deported tens of thousands of Jews: 

an official campaign against ‘rootless cosmopolitans’:

The persecution of Jews became ‘virtual state policy’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.209

The man, named V. Komarov, wrote a wheedling letter to Stalin: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.203

the Night of the Murdered Poets:  

the ‘Doctors Plot’:

‘Only the dictator’s death averted a new bloodbath’: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.210

the soviet central committee published a report: A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, By Alexander N. Yakovlev (Yale University, Kindle Edition, 2002), p.196

‘He who does not regret the break-up of the Soviet Union has no heart’:

Putin had orchestrated ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks: From Russia with Blood: The Kremlin's Ruthless Assassination Program and Vladimir Putin's Secret War on the West, by Heidi Blake (Mulholland, Kindle book, 2019), p. 61

73 per cent of the vote:

The camps have been described as a ‘new gulag’:

tens of thousands of Ukrainian children:


11. Rival ethnic states.

He amassed huge crowds of supporters to subdue the previously autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo: Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century,by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books, Kindle Edition), p.125

a Serbian regime in Montenegro: Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books, Kindle Edition), p.125

In Bosnia, 17 per cent of the population were Croat, 31 per cent were Serb, and 44 per cent were Muslim:

Trouble flared in Bosnia when the Serbs announced ‘Serb autonomous regions’,:,own%20constitution%20and%20parliamentary%20assembly.

In 1992, a referendum was held in Bosnia:,of%20Bosnian%20Serbs%20boycotted%20it.

Over five thousand civilians died:

the conflict killed an estimated 100,000 people around 60 per cent of whom were Bosniaks:

Of the roughly 36,000 civilians who died, around 80 per cent of those were Bosniaks: 

In Kozarac, 2,500-3000 civilians died in seventy-two hours:

In Srebrenica, Serb forces massacred around 8,000 Bosniak men and boys:,the%20wooded%20hills%20around%20Srebrenica.&text=The%20brutal%20killing%20of%20around,1%2C000%20people%20are%20still%20missing.   

non-Serbs were banned from working: Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books: Kindle Edition), p.127

Many were taken away in cattle trucks: Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books: Kindle Edition), p.128

concentration camps, such as in Omarska: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books: Kindle Edition), p.128

The Serb forces also set up at least 17 rape camps: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books: Kindle Edition), p.127

At first, Bosnian Croats fought against the Serbs in the Bosnian war: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books: Kindle Edition), p.128

declaring their own ‘autonomous regions’: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century,by Jonathan Glover (Vintage Books, Kindle Edition), p.128

the atrocities inflicted on Bosnian Muslims by the Croatian forces were on a lesser scale than those of the Serb forces:

Into this nightmarish mix should also be added the atrocities committed by the Bosnian army: (According to legal experts, as of early 2008, 45 Serbs, 12 Croats and 4 Bosniaks were convicted of war crimes by the ICTY in connection with the Balkan wars of the 1990s.)

During the Kosovo War, around 13,500 people were killed:

most of the atrocities were committed by Serbs:,schools%2C%20religious%20sites%20and%20healthcare

Milosevic instructed the Serbian forces to carry out ethnic cleansing in Kosovo:

The bombing, which caused around 500 civilian deaths:,known%20(see%20Appendix%20B)

the KLA continued to carry out atrocities:,Orthodox%20churches%20and%20monasteries...

12. Catalysing Islam.

the life and teachings of a man named Mohammed: See Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), pp. 13-16. 

a whole chapter of the Koran called ‘booty’: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 141. 

slaves, including sex slaves, from among the defeated tribes: Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson (Kindle book, 2017), p. 57 and 194

he personally massacred at least 600 unarmed male prisoners: Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson (Kindle book, 2017), p. 50

A fire was kindled on the man’s chest: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 146.

‘I have been made victorious by terror’: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 151

Mohammed was allowed as many wives as he wanted: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 153

she was part of his one fifth share of the booty: 

He married a child named Aisha: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 155

Former Muslim Ali Sina has offered a $50,000 reward: 

A Muslim husband is permitted by Sharia to beat his wife:,seek%20not%20against%20them%20means

have sex with her whenever he pleases: 

Men marrying children is sanctioned by Sharia:,particularly%20Quran%2065%3A4). 

Homosexuality is deemed a crime:,sex)%20as%20a%20punishable%20offence

The punishment for adultery is stoning:,is%20prescribed%20in%20various%20hadiths



‘Blasphemy’ against Islam is prohibited:,serious%20offence%20under%20Islamic%20law

the punishment for apostasy is death:,serious%20offence%20under%20Islamic%20law

‘I will punish them’: 

More than five hundred verses of the Koran speak of hell: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), p. 155

‘Those who reject our signs’: 

‘fuel’ for the fires of hell: 

‘condemning whole groups of people outside the religion as cursed’: Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values, by Nonie Darwish (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2017), pp. 14-15 

The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason, by Sam Harris, (London, Simon and Schuster, 2004). p.123

The Koran describes non-Muslims as: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), pp. 189-190

he sanctioned lying to non-Muslims: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions and Honest Answers about the Muslim Religion, by Peter Townsend (Kindle book, 2014), pp. 205-208

‘Fight with them until there is no more fitnah’: 

‘Slay the idolaters wherever you find them’:,85,84,21,20,19,101,22,17,95 

‘I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved’:,84,95,17,18,20,21,22,85,101 

But that verse was abrogated by violent verses!: Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson (Kindle book, 2017), p. 13.

Over a hundred verses of the Koran speak of fighting against non-Muslims: 

‘The House of Islam’ and ‘The House of War’: Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, by Patrick Sookhdeo, (Isaac Publishing, 2007), p.70. 

‘War in the name of Islam is thus not even considered as war by Muslims’: Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson (Kindle book, 2017), p. 57-8.

‘unconditional jihad against all non-Muslims’: Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, by Patrick Sookhdeo, (Isaac Publishing, 2007), p. 100. 

The tally stands at 45,581:   

nine of the wars and four of the major wars: 

‘Islam has bloody borders’: 

600,000 – 1.5 million Armenians were killed: / 

the ‘Janjaweed’ carried out ethnic cleansing: 

an estimated 52,250 Christians have been murdered by Islamic militants: 

Islamic State has committed genocide: 

The death toll stands at thousands: 

‘apes, despised and rejected’: 

they are ‘apes and pigs’; they ‘incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath’: 

‘Wretchedness and baseness were stamped upon [them]’: 

4,688 fatalities: 

he lamented the fact that Germany had never been conquered by Muslims: 

‘Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?’:

As Jake Wallis Simons explains: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 121

‘A high-ranking German diplomat named Eberhard von Stohrer’: Islam and Nazi Germany’s War, by David Motadel (Harvard University Press, 2014), p. 39.

‘Proclamation of the Grand Mufti to the Islamic world’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 125

‘Germany has resolved, step by step…’: Jerusalem: The Biography, by Sebag Montefiore (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson), p. 546–547. 

‘Ettel outlined Germany’s strategy as follows’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 126

Germany’s aims and those of his people were ‘completely overlapping’: Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, by Jeffrey Herf (Yale University Press, 2009), p. 92. 

In 1943, Himmler wrote to Hussaini: 

Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East, by Barry Rubin and Wolfgang Schwanitz (Yale University Press, 2014), p.163.

‘already exterminated more than three million Jews’: Jerusalem: The Biography, by Sebag Montefiore (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson), p. 547. 

a ‘cocktail of racism and religious fanaticism’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 130 

‘the Jews are meanly miserly’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 130

living ‘in an atmosphere of shame and misery’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 131

‘Said one announcer’: Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, by Jeffrey Herf (Yale University Press, 2009), p. 198.

‘Kill the Jews before they kill you’: Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, by Jeffrey Herf (Yale University Press, 2009), p. 126.

with the end of the Third Reich in sight: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 133

‘sword of the Muslims’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 133 

Husseini told a newspaper: The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, by Benny Morris (Cambridge Universty Press, 2004) pp. 408-9. 

‘Egypt witnessed the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration in history’: Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11, by Matthias Küntzel (Telos Press Publishing, 2007) p. 51

Israel prevailed, in what is known as its ‘War of Independence’: 

The historian Joseph Spoerl has described the war: ‘Palestinians, Arabs and the Holocaust’, Joseph S. Spoerl, Jewish Political Studies Review Vol. 26, numbers 1–2, March 2015, p. 15

the Mufti was unrepentant: Jerusalem: The Biography, by Sebag Montefiore (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson), p. 547. 

he announced a Jihad: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 139.

a celebratory poem of praise: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 135.

‘the father of Salafi jihadism’: a celebratory poem of praise: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 135.

‘propelled Hitler’s legacy into the twenty-first century’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 135.

they thought it was ‘the centre of world Jewry’: Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11, by Matthias Küntzel (Telos Press Publishing, 2007) p. xxi

as a British parliamentary report notes: 

‘drew heavily on Nazi propaganda’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 135.

74 per cent of Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa: 

‘popular sympathy’ towards Hitler: 

‘In the Islamic world, the lessons learned from the War…’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 140.

The Six Day War: 

Disinformation: Former spy chief reveals secret strategies for undermining freedom, attacking religion, and promoting terrorism, by Ion Mihai Pacepa and Professor Ronald J. Rychlak (WND Books, 2013), p. 99.

‘probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written’: A Rumor About the Jews: Reflections on Antisemitism and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, by Stephen Eric Bronner (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 1

‘My agency dispatched around five hundred such undercover agents’: Disinformation: Former spy chief reveals secret strategies for undermining freedom, attacking religion, and promoting terrorism, by Ion Mihai Pacepa and Professor Ronald J. Rychlak (WND Books, 2013).

‘Russian spies made documentaries in Arabic’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 152.

‘When the USSR supported Muslim countries’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 153.

‘Conspiracy theories remained at the heart of the bigotry’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 152.

In 1974, Arafat made a famous speech to the UN: 

A resolution declaring that ‘Zionism is racism’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 155.

2 million Arabs… zero Jews: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 151.

110 countries worldwide were targeted: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 149-156.

‘the almost non-negotiable ticket of entry into left discourse’: 

the UK’s Human Rights watchdog condemned the party for overseeing a culture of antisemitism: 

Kier Starmer tried to draw a line under the past:,back%20to%20the%20British%20people

On October 7, 2023: 

the organisation had no interest in peaceful coexistence with Israel: 

London’s police force recorded a fifteen-fold increase in antisemitic incidents:,and%20kidnappings%20on%207%20October

‘The Jewish community at the moment is full of dread’: 

terror attacks committed by Muslims: 

around 3,000 jihadists in Britain pose a ‘threat’: 

The UK’s annual budget for counterterrorist operations is now over £1 billion: 

The total economic cost of terrorism to the UK: 

The Islamic counter-extremism organisation Quilliam reports: 

In his searing book Easy Meat: Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal, by Peter McLoughlin (New English Review, 2016). 

1,400 girls were abused by grooming gangs between 1997 and 2013:,leader%20of%20Rotherham%20Council%20resigned.

there could be up to a million victims of the gangs nationwide: 

councils and police officers turned a blind eye to the crime: 

the grooming gangs, whose victims have mostly been white girls: 

an interview with the Independent newspaper: 

a recent survey of Muslim countries: 

40 per cent of British Muslims want Islamic ‘Sharia’ Law in the UK: 

100 per cent of British Muslims think homosexuality is not ‘morally acceptable’: 

52 per cent of British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal: 

a wife should always obey her husband: 

almost a quarter of British Muslims think the 7/7 bombings were ‘justified’: 

2 in 3 Muslims in Britain would not tell the police if someone they knew was ‘getting involved with people who support terrorism in Syria’: 

25 per cent of British Muslims disagree that Muslims ‘should inform on people who are involved or connected with terrorist activities’: 

16 per cent of British Muslims… 7 per cent of British Muslims: 

37 per cent of British Muslims believe Jews in Britain are a ‘legitimate target’: 

only 34 per cent of British Muslims believe the Holocaust ever happened: 

‘Jews have too much control over global affairs’: 

almost half of British Muslims oppose Israel’s right to exist: 

62 per cent of British Muslims say free speech should not be protected if it hurts other religions:,insults%20and%20offends%20religious%20groups.

1 in 5 British Muslims believe that Western society can never be compatible with Islam: 

not out of touch with ‘mainstream Muslim opinion’: 

fewer than 1 in 5 Muslims aged 16-74 are in full time work: 

Muslims have the lowest percentage of people aged 16 to 64 in employment:

Muslims have the highest percentage of people who are ‘economically inactive’:

more Muslim children than non-Muslim children are in families relying on benefits: 

some British Muslims construe their benefits payments as comprising the ‘Jizya’: 

the additional wives in a polygamous marriage: 

‘conquest by migration’: 

Almost doubling every decade: 

an estimated 43 per cent of the immigrants were Muslim:,and%20mid%2D2016%20were%20Muslims.

The higher than average birth rate of Muslim women: 

new converts, of whom there are around 5000 every year: 

recently described this as a ‘growing problem’ and set up a task force: 

by 2050, Muslims will comprise around 17 per cent of the British population:,future%20migration%20were%20to%20stop.

In London, the figure is already 15%:,of%20Muslims%20in%20the%20country.

by the end of this century, Europe will be Islamic: 

No go areas: 

human rights abuses are rife amongst countries in which Islam predominates:  (racism);,freedoms%20of%20assembly%2C%20speech%2C%20and (human rights)

32 are ‘authoritarian regimes’: 

Minister for Health Kenneth Robinson described Scientology as ‘objectionable’: 

the so-called ‘Manson Family’ carried out a series of murders in Los Angeles in 1969: 

Our educated elite would prefer to allow Islam to spread in the West: Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson (Kindle book, 2017), p. 32. 

‘Destroying western civilisation from within’: Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us, by Jamie Glazov (Post Hill Press, Kindle book, 2018), p. 135

some Muslims are ‘Muslim in name only’: Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us, by Jamie Glazov (Post Hill Press, Kindle book, 2018), p. 135

34,450 women and girls have presented to the NHS with FGM: 

137,000 women in the UK have had FGM inflicted on them: 

‘While one group proudly takes credit for the terror’: 

greater tolerance towards Jews and Christians than today: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023).


13. Can we all just get along?

heartfelt, spontaneous words that still resonate today: 

‘abolishing the white race’: 

immigration has added around seven million people to the UK population: 

There has been a huge spike in illegal migration since 2019: 

60 per cent of the UK’s overall population increase was due to net migration: 

the UK’s population will grow from 67 million in 2021 to 77 million in 2046: 

1.2 million immigrants came:,)%20and%20British%20(88%2C000).

30.3 per cent of births in England and Wales were to non-UK born mothers: 

‘White British’ births declined from 65 per cent of the total to 61 per cent:'White,20 

£13 billion a year, according to a recent study: 

average house prices almost trebling in real terms: 

overcrowding in Germany in the inter-war period, including a housing crisis: 

the average age of those joining the Nazi Party was less than thirty: The Nazis: A Warning from History, By Laurence Rees (BBC Books, 2006). 

‘staggering social change’: 

In a 74-page manifesto that he wrote before the massacre:

as the journalist Ian Williams reports: 

‘many thousands of social media accounts’: Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It, by Jake Wallis Simons (Constable, Kindle book, 2023), p. 164.

Three black players… were subjected to racist abuse: 

173 out of a total of 207 criminal comments had come from overseas: 

Syrian refugees, a million of whom came to Europe:,half%20(560%2C000)%20are%20Syrians.

‘Together, Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration’:

Breedlove’s comments were echoed by American senator John McCain: 

across Russia’s border into Finland and Norway: 

In 2019, he sent mercenaries into Libya:

the Estonian and Finnish authorities noted: 

using mercenaries in Africa to trigger migrant flows: 

unless they’re wearing ‘dirty sneakers’: 

a series of sketches in which Baddiel (or an ex-player named Jeff Astle) dressed up as Lee: 

‘We wrote him a letter’: 

‘too far’: 

‘violated on so many levels’: 

‘I wasn’t happy you’re making me out to be a clown’: 

He believe it was ‘anti-black racism’: 

‘you’re talking about ethnicity’: 

‘two people on a TV show trying to drive me out of the game’: 

‘I never received an apology from Baddiel and Skinner’: 

‘I shamefully impersonated Jason Lee in blackface 25 years ago’: 

‘I regret, and apologise for, the makeup and costume’: 

‘It wouldn’t be too much to say we’re both deeply ashamed’: 

‘… what the fuck is happening?’: 

Jews hanging dead from trees: 

Jews hanging on a gallow: 

a Jew stabbing a German soldier in the back: 

a Jew hanging a German from a rope: 

a Jew seducing an Aryan woman: 

a German man pushing a Jew off a cliff: 

a fat besuited Jew surrounded by money: 

a Jew as a snarling puppeteer: 

a Jew as a demon: 

a Jew as Satan: 

a Jew eating people: 

a Jew as a worm: 

a Jew as a caterpillar: 

Jews as serpents: and 

Jews as rats: 

A Jew as a spider straddling the world: 

a Jew as an octopus wrapped around the world: 

In the USSR, the cavalier authorities oversaw widespread environmental devastation: 

China is the 19th most polluted country in the world:

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