References for Scapegoated Capitalism.

Bibliography / Key to References

LATS = Frisby, Dominic: Life After The State, Unbound, 2013  (Kindle edition)

LGBEF = Delingpole, James: The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism, Biteback Publishing, London, 2013.

NTC = Stossel, John: No They Can’t, Threshold Editions, New York, 2012.

RO = Ridley, Matt: The Rational Optimist, Fourth Estate, London, 2010.

Scapegoat: Campbell, Charlie, Scapegoat: A History of Blaming Other People, Duckworth Overlook, 2011.

TRGWD = Booker, Christopher, The Real Global Warming Disaster, Continuum, London, 2009.

WSWI = Bartholomew, James: The Welfare State We’re In, Biteback Publishing, London, 2004.


‘Scapegoat: Any material object, animal, bird or person…’: Quoted in Scapegoat, p. 37.

‘People are always quick to call evil what they do not know’: Kelseyleigh Reber, from ‘If I resist’.

film No Pressure:

‘an imaginative attempt to challenge public apathy over climate change’:

Later redacted:

John Cleese pokes fun at Nazis:



Hell is other people: from the play ‘No Exit’ –

Day of Atonement:

Holman Hunt’s painting:

In 1840 on the remote island of St Kilda: Scapegoat, p. 8.

a false positive in this domain was far less costly: See Boyer, Pascal, Religion Explained, Basic Books, 2001.

Robert Hubert: / See also Scapegoat, p. 189-90.

In Athens: Scapegoat, p. 40.

In Albania, Scapegoat, p. 39.

In Tibet: Scapegoat, p. 40.

In Rome: Scapegoat, p. 42.

Omega wolf:

a specialist who was paid to take on the sins of the deceased: Scapegoat, p. 43-44.

‘it is said at court there is none now to impute our faults onto’: Scapegoat, p. 59.

Whipping boys:

‘The whole aim of practical politics’: Quoted in Scapegoat, p. 145

the Stedinger in Germany and the Templars in France: Scapegoat, pp. 96-7

Undoubtedly, the longest-standing conspirators: On witches, see Scapegoat, pp. 85-122.

‘I made up my confession … choosing rather to die than to live’: Scapegoat, p. 111.

at least half the population of Africa still believes witches exist:

‘the only great powers that women were credited with at this time were supernatural ones’: Scapegoat, p. 92.

‘Religion and the Decline of Magic’, Thomas, Keith Penguin, 2003

Religious clerics sometimes conducted bizarre court trials of insects: See Scapegoat, p. 130-41.

‘The weevils blithely continued their existence’: Scapegoat, p. 138



‘Men, it has been well said, think in herds’: From Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

The phrase was first used by Garrett Hardin:

Self-serving bias:

Self-deception: See Trivers, Robert, Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others, Penguin, Allen Lane, London, 2011.



‘So you think that money is the root of all evil?’: From Rand, Ayn, Atlas Shrugged.

As Steven Pinker recounts in his masterpiece: Pinker, Steven, The Better Angels of Our Nature, Pengiun, New York, 2011.

Lois Lowry’s haunting novel: Lowry, Lois, The Giver, Harper Collins, London, 2014.

‘Ding dong the witch is dead’:

Public spending rose under Thatcher:



‘Whether your scepticism be as absolute and sincere as you pretend’: From Hume, David, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.

the Daily Mail cheekily employed an independent thermal imaging company:

Everyone is a conservative…:

Bowling Alone: Putnam, Robert, Bowling Alone :The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2000

Big Society:



around 1.5 million people are employed in the state education system:

only 454,900 of whom teachers:

90 billion spent on state education:

90 per cent of schools in the UK are ‘state schools’:

1500 employees of the government’s schools inspectorate:

some 400 of whom are on-site inspectors:

an inspector who inspects the inspectors: TWSWI, p. 199

around 70 teacher training colleges:

40 per cent drop out within a year of teaching:

around 300,000 non-teaching teachers:

A National Union of Teachers survey:

just 18 teachers have been struck off in the last 40 years:

‘your ass is fired’:

‘cover’ teachers have made up around 4-5 per cent of the teaching force:

around 1 in 21 pupils are ‘persistently absent’:

bullying is a major cause of truancy:

around 1 in 5 young adults in England are functionally innumerate, around 1 in 6 are functionally illiterate:

£11,000 per head per pupil: 8.2 million in state education:  (90 billion divided by £8.2 million = £10975)

the average amount spent per head on private school pupils in Britain:

two years ahead:  (see also TWSWI, p. 221).

more than 95 per cent of children were regularly attending school: TWSWI, p. 153.

Economist E. G. West has estimated: See West, E. G. ‘Literacy and the Industrial Revolution’, The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Aug., 1978), pp. 369-383.

the literacy level was over 90 per cent for men and women:

‘I found it quiet and orderly’:

Edward Baines warned: Baines, E. Education Best Promoted by Perfect Freedom, Not By State Endowments – available here:

less likely to reach the highest levels of academic achievement:

A study by the Centre for Social Justice:

Social mobility in Britain is the lowest in the Western world:

every f**king grammar school:

There has been about one appeal for every ten state school admissions: TWSWI, p. 213

autonomy is good for schools the world over:



Every town and village should know their own paupers: TWSWI, p. 30.

Each year in Britain, around £220–250 billion is spent on state-run welfare provision. Excluding pensions from that figure, around £110 billion is spent on benefits:

More than twenty million families in Britain now receive some kind of state benefit. Nearly half of those families receive over half of their income in government subventions:

the average earner in Britain contributes around £2135:

The Department of Work and Pensions, which administrates the welfare state, employs around 90,000 people:

433 local authorities:

‘One man’s poverty is another man’s employment opportunity’:

7 per cent of the world’s total welfare spend:

our annual welfare spend has climbed to more than three times its 1980 levels:

plateaued under the current conservative administration:

excluding pensions:

24 pages of advisory notes:

when unemployment benefit is high it has a tendency to promote unemployment: TWSWI, p. 61-62 (historical unemployment figures: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ben/My%20Documents/Downloads/unemploymentbackto1881_tcm77-267536%20(1).pdf)

Mass unemployment has been made a permanent feature of life’: TWSWI, p. 81.

the welfare state fosters apathy and its dreadful downsides: TWSWI, pp. 70-72.

around 1 in 14 working-age people in Britain receive some form of disability benefit: (see page 60)

approximately 3 million disability benefits claimants in Britain:

around 12,000 people in Britain receive government support because they are too fat to work: …. alternatively, 1000 are too fat to work:

disability benefits for mental health issues: (see also: 2 million disability benefit claimants: )

the 75,000 drug addicts or alcoholics who receive disability benefits:

Back Pain / Other / Precise Diagnosis Not Specified:

the most common kinds of fraudulent claim:

Benefit fraud 1.2 billion:

high levels of teenage pregnancy:

family breakdown:

Almost a quarter of British children are now raised by lone parents:

higher risk of child abuse:

There are around 4.1 million social homes in Britain, and 3.3 million of their inhabitants receive housing benefit:

no go areas:

police officers today are barely distinguishable from social workers: See Copperfield, David, Wasting Police Time, Monday Books, 2011.

front entrances for the use of a thousand people: TWSWI, p. 242.

‘They build horrible housing projects and then blow them up’: NTC, p. 290.

the first stirrings of state influence: TWSWI, pp. 25-30.

In 1834, Parliament commissioned a report: pp. 31-38.

a pastor called Thomas Chalmers: TWSWI, pp. 43-45.

‘There is a charm in locality’: TWSWI, p. 44

‘There is a far greater sufficiency’: TWSWI, p. 45.

The government of the day passed the recommendations… What followed: TWSWI, pp. 38-43.

The average family of the time donated 10 per cent of its earnings to good causes (compared to today’s figure of 1%): TWSWI, p. 40.

working class families donated too: TWSWI, p. 40.

‘It is hard for us to imagine now how large charity loomed in people’s lives in the late nineteenth century’: TWSWI, p. 40.

30,000 friendly societies:

‘a kind of residuum’: TWSWI, p. 47.

The great thing about Friendly Societies: pp. 46-48.

the British government of 1911… implemented a National Insurance scheme: TWSWI, pp. 48-51.

state benefits becoming tougher to access and, due to inflation, lower in value: TWSWI, p. 59.

Contemporary psychologists have corroborated what the Victorians knew:

the number of people per household declined: TWSWI, p. 234.

The Housing and Town Planning Act:

rent controls drying up housing stock:

National Building Regulations were passed for the first time:

swingeing property taxes:

rent controls:

The ensuing lack of new homes: (see graph: ‘New homes built by private and social sectors’).

the state has a regulatory strangehold on housing: (see also: and

houses prices (and rents) have soared:  / (rents)

steadily increasing levels of net migration:

last year’s figure:



beds in sheds:



Pensioners left screaming:

Surgeons operating on the wrong body parts, or leaving swabs sewn up inside wounds:

a dessert spoon:

serial killer staff members: /

the hospital acquired infections:  See also: And see also: (and also TWSWI p.134)

Kane Gorny:

cancer survival rates:  Also, see:

heart disease:

stroke treatment:

care of the elderly:

lengthy waiting times:

equipment availability: (less than half the average of other OECD nations) Also:

infant mortality: (at the time of writing, britain was 26th!)

number of beds per person:

number of doctors per person:  (24 out of 27 European countries)

people fleeing to private healthcare, ‘paying twice’:

83 per cent of health spending:

health inequality in Britain has increased: LATS (Kindle, Loc 2115)

annually around £110 billion:

average compared to the healthcare spending of other developed nations:

poor to mediocre:

between 1997 and 2007, the difference in life expectancy between rich and poor accelerated: (see also:

between 1999 and 2009, the number of managers employed by the NHS rose:

the figure today is 2.35 per cent:

the number of managers has begun rising again:

around half of the almost 1.4 million people employed by the NHS are not clinically trained… while around 108,811 of the non-clinically trained employees are ‘clerical and administrative staff’ and 37,078 are ‘managers and senior managers’:  (see also:  not clinically trained: )

(Or: Employes 1.5 million people:

the third largest state employer in the world, after the US and Chinese Armies:

Stuart Emslie: TWSWI, p. 146 (and footnote #87)

a single national database of patients health records:

a letter from a consultant working in the NHS: TWSWI,  p145.

A similar article by another NHS consultant:

Dalrymple describes the experience of a consultant friend of his:

‘In what way do you contribute to the quality of products?’:

‘“Lead for NHS Productive Leader”, a phrase so horrible it tortures the mind’: From ‘Doctors on the Brink’, in Second Opinion, Monday Books, 2009.

‘telephone skills’ courses:

Twenty-two-page ‘Dress Codes’:

data cleanse:

‘the staff are about to be trained, yet again, on diversity issues’:

a ‘mass exodus’ of NHS staff: original report:

managers instructed ambulances to queue outside in the street:

Another ploy was to redesignate hospital corridors as ‘wards’, and trolleys as ‘beds’:

offer patients a surgery appointment scheduled to take place within 24 hours of a consultation:

1 in 12 hospital managers admitted to submitting inaccurate reports: TWSWI, pp. 146-7.

‘you’ll be an outsider’: TWSWI, p. 147.

60 per cent of doctors… ‘politically motivated goals’:

‘doctors are paid not so much by result as by degree of conformity to directives’:

Before the NHS, doctors and nurses trained on the job: TWSWI, p. 143.

the training of nurses is overly academic:

‘contribute virtually nothing to healthcare’: TWSWI, p. 143.

‘I’ve got a degree’: TWSWI, p. 137.

dozens of registered heroin addicts:

165,000… enrolled in a free ‘treatment programme’:

146,660 were given free prescriptions for methadone:

Dalrymple, Theodore, Romancing Opiates, Encounter Books, 2006.

flippantly prescribing pills or other NHS services:

‘We ended up having a fight on the floor’:

‘Nine Promises’:

The development of vaccines, anaesthesia, antiseptics and antibiotics, and an understanding of how to prevent cholera: TWSWI, p. 101

At the beginning of the twentieth century… founded in nineteenth century: TWSWI, p. 93.

In keeping with the variety of hospitals at the time… kept healthcare within the reach of the poor: See TWSWI, pp. 90-100.

20 per cent of people were treated for free by GPs: TWSWI, p. 98

The highest-ranking individuals – consultants – gave much of their time for free: TWSWI, p. 96.

And yes, Britain had hospitals. At the beginning of the twentieth century there were around 600 of them. Over half of the 64 hospitals in London today were founded in the nineteenth century: TWSWI, p. 93.

‘the vast majority of the poor were treated’: TWSWI, p. 102.

‘a large teaching hospital was run by a governor, a matron, an accountant and several secretaries’: Quoted at:

‘the most radical state take-over’: TWSWI, p. 90.

The blueprint for a ‘National Service for Health’: TWSWI, pp. 103-5.

Doctors repeatedly voted against Bevan’s proposal:

‘The biggest appropriation’: TWSWI, p. 105

‘I stuffed their mouths with gold’:

GPs’ salaries simultaneously underwent a sudden inflation: LATS, Loc 2301 (‘The sudden inflation in GPs earnings’)

‘an anonymous NHS trust chairman’: LATS, Loc 2144.

‘the NHS is run to suit its suppliers; it should be run to suit its customers’: LATS, Loc 2154.


an international SOS health survey cited Cuba as a ‘high risk’ travel destination, a place where getting ill is dangerous:

12 per cent of US citizens without health cover:

85 per cent of the tab: NTC, p. 123

health inequality is lower, in the US than in Canada: NTC, p.  113.

a documentary pillorying the US healthcare system:

a clinic in Florida:



$60 billion has been spent on ‘reconstruction’:

four hundred tons of shrink-wrapped US dollars: NTC, p. 238.

Sniffer dog: NTC, p. 238.

Private home in San Diego: NTC, p. 238.

License to play music in theatre production:

license to deal in scrap metal: / (scotland!)

license to be an art therapist:

license to run a minibus service:

license to run a hairdressing salon:

license to run a childminding business:

license to run kennels:

license to run a massage parlour:

license to run a pet shop:

box-ticking exercise:

a graph showing that the number of workplace fatalities in the US was in decline long before 1971: NTC, p. 85.

According to an MIT study:



‘We can never pardon those we have injured’:

‘self-satisfied socialists’:

Government workers earn more money than their counterparts in the private sector:

According to the Work Foundation:

Shorter hours, longer holidays in public sector:

Public sector more flexible working hours:

Social capital, as Robert Putnam observes, tends to make communities richer:

conservatives tend to be happier than liberals:

anti-capitalists are more likely than conservatives to indulge in drinking:

or drug taking:

Putnam, Robert, Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, Simon and Schuster, 2015.

Disclosure and Barring Service:

between 2002 and 2009, 43,000 under-16s had DBS checks, and 3,000 under-13s: Brooke, Heather, The Silent State, Windmill Books, London, 2011.

£23 billion for housing associations:

ballooned under Labour at the turn of the millennium:  See also:

To fund its precipitous levels of spending, the Labour government oversaw a huge housing bubble: See ‘What goes on in Mr Brown’s Mind’, in Dalrymple, Theodore, Not With A Bang But a Whimper: The Politics and Culture of Decline, pp. 78-88.

‘crony capitalism’:

‘There is a smarter way to get corporate money out of politics: shrink the state’:



47 per cent:

It’s like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder:

Public spending adjusted for inflation rising under Major and Thatcher:

Public spending under current conservative administration:

… an increased debt overall:

The bureaucracy masters the politicians:

Ronald Reagan expressed similar frustration:

‘Bureaucracy and paperwork’:

All the Scandinavian countries are more unequal than Britain: (and Iceland:

the twenty most expensive places to live in the world:

a higher level of unemployment than Britain:

household debt:

All have a higher suicide rate than Britain:

All but Finland have a lower ranking education system than Britain:

250,000 pensioners living below the EU poverty line:

and is riven by racial tensions:

the far right now has the support of almost one in six people:

Denmark’s poverty levels have doubled in the last twenty years:

Finland has been stuck in recession for four years:

250,000 people unemployed:

one of the highest murder rates in Europe:

All provide better healthcare than britain:  /  Overall scores:

And Scandinavian countries are notorious for their social capital (Sweden, Norway, Denmark): (and in Iceland: See also: Social capital in northern Europe:

(Brits increasingly bowling alone):

High levels of trust found in Scandinavia: And in Finland:

popular and successful:

the failings of the 86 per cent:

Higher social capital/trust/decentralisation in Scandinavia than in Britain:

The failings of the 80 per cent:  /

‘liberalism is centred around hatred and divisiveness’:

‘Socialism is the anti-Semitism of intellectuals’:

Mommsen: Menke, Martin “Mommsen, Hans”, pages 826–827 in The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, edited by Kelly Boyd, Volume 2, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishing, 1999

‘At the end of a Party conference in Moscow’: Glover Jonathan, Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, Jonathan Cape, London, 1999, p. 242.

The Educatorz:



‘All over the world, strangers talk only about the weather’:

Agenda 21:

‘episodes, diseases and disasters that were blamed on witches in the Middle Ages’:

Deb Feyerick:

‘Soon children will have forgotten what snow looks like’:

‘During the inaugural Earth Day event in 1970’: LGBEF, p. 76.

‘The following decade saw the sharpest decrease in poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy in human history’: RO, p. 290.

Polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing:

Acid rain did not kill or even damage forests:

Global vegetation cover is increasing:

forest cover has been increasing steadily since the 1990s:

Fracking has taken place in Britain and the US for decades:  /

Sperm counts aren’t declining:

Oil spills in the ocean are down:

In Europe and America, air quality has improved, and rivers, lakes and seas are getting cleaner: RO, p. 17.

no one has died following the reactor leak at Fukushima:

Invasive species:

A city the size of the state of Texas: LGBEF, p. 240.

Cancer in the Chernobly region: RO, p. 308.

growing at a decreasing rate:

improving health and prosperity among the world’s poorest people: See also The Rational Optimist.

Extreme weather events:

The feedback effects of global warming will be negative:

global sea levels have been rising since the end of the last ice age: LGBEF, p. 263.

Medieval Warm Period: LGBEF, p. 178. And:


An online survey of just 77 people: LGBEF, p. 57-8.

Einstein’s ‘miracle year’ breakthroughs might not have been published:

‘precisely what is happening today on Wikipedia’:


‘self-evidently dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth-seeking’:

Trofim Lysenko:

Computer modelling: LGBEF, p. 56.

A hockey stick-shaped graph more than 99 per cent of the time:

‘highly unscientific practice of rejecting empiricism in favour of grand universal doom theories’: LGBEF, p. 82.

‘On the one hand as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method…’: LGBEF, p. 260.

‘We’re not ashamed of emotionalising issues’:

Wind farms make scant difference to CO2 production, and may even increase it:  See also:

Enough to make a few cups of tea:

Thousands of wind turbines: See also Booker, Christopher, TRGWD, p. 121.

pay energy companies to switch turbines off: LGBEF, p. 305.

More than 25 million bats and birds: LGBEF, p. 22.

Biofuel plantations:

Solar farms destroy habitats:

Solar farms exploit water sources:

the manufacturing of solar panels generates bio-hazardous chemicals:

one of the least eco-friendly forms of mining:


Severn Barrage:

Food miles:  / See also Delingpole, p. 100.

environmental costs to ‘organic farming’: RO, p. 149-152.

an underground reservoir the size of a small US state: LGBEF, p. 42.

the total value of the global carbon trading market reached $176 billion: LGBEF, p. 42.

a 95 per cent decline from present level: LGBEF, p. 289-90.

Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth, social and environmental’: LGBEF, p. 298

Fishing… private property has beneficial effects on the environment:

Critics of recycling: /  /  / /  / / /

John Tierney has worked out…:

‘clean burn’ incinerators:

a handful of desalination plants:

Victorian and Sydney desalination plants: Sydney desalination plant:

fuel poverty kills an estimated 7800 people a year in Britain:

provoked the food riots that triggered the Arab Spring: LGBEF, p. 9.

3.7 jobs were killed: LGBEF, p. 122.

It’s good for coral and plankton:

plenty of beneficial effects, summarised by Matt Ridley as follows:

the various good effects of global warming will outweigh the bad:

Matt Ridley’s summary of various expert estimates:

‘Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement’: Quoted in TRGWD, p. 307.

Continuing the trajectory of the last century:

billions of people will soon enjoy the lifestyle to which we in the West have become accustomed:

Deomgraphic transition:

there is every reason to expect tomorrow’s global population to be richer, healthier and happier than today’s: See RO.

12 per cent of our land to legally protected National Parks:

the same decline in pollution continued back as far as 1920: LGBEF, p. 48.

the work of the late economist Elinor Ostrom: Ostrom, Elinor, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Cambridge UK, 1990.

the high levels of inter-group murder:  see Pinker, Steven: The Better Angels of Our Nature,  Penguin,  London, 2011, pp. 47-58.

When you’re taking the flak: LGBEF, p. 289.

Mark Lynas threw a cream-pie at him:

Annual US federal and state environmental spending amounts to $44.5 billion: LGBEF, p. 28.

while the EU spent $100 billion on climate change research between 1989 and 2010: LGBEF, p. 99.

the UN has funded more than 60,000 environmental projects to date: LGBEF, p. 202.

An estimated £18.3 billion a year:

‘not giving advice, but lobbying’:

James Hansen, NASA’s resident global warming scientist: p. 128-9.

faux-academic conferences: LGBEF, p. 86-87.

‘share the earth’s resources fairly’:

Chief executive earning over $450,000 dollars a year:

The institutions have fallen like ninepins: LGBEF, p. 138.

a free magazine:

London Cycle Map:

the Superhighways scheme has cost over a £50 million:

73 per cent rise:

a few legal battles: and

£1.6 million:

One farmer defied the ban:

Osama Bin Laden’s environmentalist rantings:

Environmentalism has almost nothing to do with the environment: LGBEF, p. 225.

Favoured alternative medicine:

for the protection of forests, the banning of experimentation on animals:

advocated organic agriculture:

statistics cited by Colin Grabow:

No stranger to scorching the Earth:



Nothing has paralysed intelligence more:  Zeldin, Theodore, An Intimate History of Humanity, Vintage, London, 1998, p. 217.

Pinker: See The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, Viking, New York, 2002.


rising levels of mental illness on British campuses:

sidelined by a desperate animosity towards reality:


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